Moudud's eviction discussed at JS: Thugs forced us to quit homes during BNP regime

FFs Khaled Mosharraf, Altaf Mahmud's daughters allege

Special Correspondent :
Valiant freedom fighter and Commander of ‘K’ force in Liberation War Khaled Mosharraf’s daughter Mahjabeen Khaled, MP on Thursday said that they were forcibly evicted from their house during the BNP regime.
She made this allegation yesterday on a point of order in the Jatiya Sangsad while expressing her reaction over Wednesday’s eviction drive of RAJUK at BNP leader Moudud Ahmed’s Gulshan house in line with the apex court order.
 “My father General Khaled Mosharraf was an army officer and also freedom fighter. Whereas Khaleda Zia took vindictive steps one after another to evict our family from the house, which was given to my mother by the government for the glorious contribution of my father in the Liberation War,” Mahjabeen Khaled said.
She continued, “Khaleda Zia’s nephew along with a gang of hired thugs came to our house riding a microbus in 2005 and threatened my mother  
to evict the house. At one stage, they forcibly evicted us from the house. There was no court order and there was no government or bureaucratic tangle. They took hold of our house by applying force.”
“After Moudud’s eviction Khaleda Zia had played a drama in front of Moudud’s house. But the countrymen understand the drama… Justice has done by the almightily… Khaleda Zia and Moudud Ahmed have to leave their houses. Moudud Ahmed can’t agree with the court order, though he, is a lawyer,!” the lawmaker said terming it the consequences of one’s misdeeds.
Interestingly, after his defeat in the legal battle Moudud Ahmed on Wednesday told the media that he would lie down on the footpath as he apparently nothing to do.
Reacting to Moudud’s eviction, martyred freedom fighter Shaheed Altaf Mahmud’s daughter Shaon Mahmud on Thursday posted a status on the social media network Facebook accusing Moudud Ahmed for forcibly evicting their family from their house in 1982.
In the heartbreaking post Shaon Mahmud said, “After the independence, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had allotted some houses to the shaheed families in exchange of ‘token money’. Our residence was situated at No. 1 Malibagh in Dhaka. We were forcibly evicted from the house in one day of February in 1982.”
 “Sitting on a suitcase under a flame tree, I was observing the police brutality on the day. They were throwing out my father’s bag from the second floor. My father’s LP records were smashed. They also damaged the musical instruments, including harmonium of the music school on the ground floor. We had even no idea where to stay in the night.”
Meanwhile, criticising the government for evicting Moudud Ahmed, BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia on Wednesday said people will one day evict ruling party men from their houses the same way.
 “Moudud Ahmed was driven out to the street from the house he had been residing for over 30 years. I was also removed with one cloth from the house I had lived for 40 years,” she said.  
But rejecting BNP chief’s statement, Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Thursday said BNP leader Moudud Ahmed was compelled to leave his house as per order given by country’s apex court; there was no role of the government.
 “Zia and Moudud had been staying in their houses illegally. The departments concerned took step after getting the court order. There is no relation with the government,” he said.
 “BNP after coming power in 2001 cancelled Sheikh Hasina’s Ganobhaban residence and Sheikh Rehena’s Dhanmondi residence issuing executive orders. But they [Khaleda, Moudud] were evicted from their houses in accordance with the court order,” Obaidul Quader, also General Secretary of Awami League, said.