‘Three State Policy’ is the only solution to Middle East crisis


M A Hossain :
When Israelis are preparing to celebrate their 70th Founding Anniversary, the forces of the Jewish state are continuing massacre on the independence aspirant Palestinian masses. The confrontation centering Jerusalem, which began in 1948 seems to be a political deadlock unresolvable in the nearest future. By oppressing the Palestinians, Israel actually is putting it’s own existence into potential threat. If policy makers in Israel think they can uproot the Palestinian freedom movement, they actually are totally wrong! Aspiration of independence can’t be gauged either through oppression or even genocide. If not today in the nearest future, Israel will pay a heavy price for its ruthless behaviour with the Palestinians.
For the past few decades, especially after the Oslo Peace Accord, we are hearing the arguments between Israel and Palestine on the Two State formula. Israel is ready to accept the formula if only Jerusalem becomes it’s capital; on the other hand Palestinians are not prepare to accept anything unless Jerusalem becomes their capital. As a result of this hard bargains and bloody conflicts, Palestinians practically gain nothing. But an hegemonic Israel has not only trashed the Oslo Peace Accord but also has illegally declare Jerusalem as his capital. Of course, this unilateral declaration doesn’t get any support from the world except Mr. Donald Trump. Meaning Jerusalem is not going to be the capital of Israel.
Let us now look into the history. The creation of Vatican Holy City as the Spiritual Capital of the Catholic Christians, had actually saved Vatican from being merged with Italy. Should there be no Vatican, that particular part of the world would simply became another part of Italy. No one in the world has any argument against Vatican city, because Vatican is a spiritual country – not political. Taking example from this, we have to reboot our thoughts on the two state formula.
In my personal opinion, Jerusalem is a holy and spiritual land. Politics should not either enter or pollute this holiness. Jerusalem is sacred to Christians, Muslims and Jews. All of the three religions have equal rights on Jerusalem. A spiritual Jerusalem neither belongs to Israel nor to Palestine. It should emerge as a separate spiritual country (similar as Vatican) for the Christians, Muslims and Jews. Israel will exist with its capital in Tel Aviv while Palestine will exist in Ramallah. Spiritual leaders of Christianity, Islamic and Judaism will govern the Holy city of Jerusalem, a separate country, free from politics. This is called a Three State formula; and I am delightedly presenting this formula to the world.
The Middle East crisis actually will find no solution either through two state or one state formula. International community should understand, conflict in that part of the world is actually giving space to emergence of political Islam and militancy. This crisis neither can be solved by radical Jews or senseless Muslims. And intervention of the third party, for example a joint commission drawn from the UN, EU, OIC, ASEAN and even SAARC to work out the Three State formula and compel both Israel and Palestine to accept it. Any party refusing to accept this recommendation of of the international community, should face tough sanctions.
Before Israel waves its national flag on its 70th Founding Anniversary, this Three State formula should be put on discussion and if possible turned into a reality with in next one year. I know Palestine and Israel are not in the proper mental condition of accepting this only workable formula. But in course of time they too will say in chorus – Jerusalem is a separate country – the spiritual place of Christians,Jews and Muslims. And for that point fresh breeze of peace will start flowing in the Middle East.
(The author is a defence and political analyst and worked in the United Nations.)
