Three sailfish weighed five mounds cught at Kuakata coast


Barishal Correspondent :
Three seal fishes were caught in the net of a fishing trawler led by Gaurob Majhi in the Bay of Bengal near Kuakata in Patuakhali coast of Bay of Bengal. These fish weighed five mounds.
The fishes were brought to the Alipore Fisheries Landing Center on Friday night.
However, since there is no demand for this fish in the local market, Zahid, a fish merchant of Mridha Fish Farm, bought three fishes for 20,000 taka on early Saturday.
Gurob Majhi of Allah Daya trawler in Banskhali said those fishes were caught in three nets at bam areas of Bay of Bengal on Thursday night near the Kuakata coast.
 Because the fish were big and heavy weighed, it took a lot of speed to carry them in the trawler. Later they were lifted and brought to the Alipore Fish Landing Centre on Thursday night.
Kalapara Senior Upazila Fisheries Officer Apu Saha said that sail- fish is basically a fast flying fish. This type of fish roams in the deep sea.
