“Three daughters” on their reelection in UK parliament greeted


Lawmakers on Monday extended their heartiest congratulations to Bangabandhu’s granddaughter Tulip Rizwana Siddiq, Rushanara Ali and Dr Rupa Huq on their reelection in the United Kingdom parliament polls, saying that they have brightened the face of the people of Bangladesh through the victory.
The victory of three daughters –Tulip Rizwana Siddique, Rushanara Ali and Dr Rupa Huq — is a matter of pride for us, they told the house.
Taking floor on point of order in the House, Health and Family Welfare Minister Mohammad Nasim said, labour party candidate Tulip Rizwana Siddiq was reelected with a huge margin in the United Kingdom snap general elections held recently.
Tulip, daughter of Sheikh Rehana and niece of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, retained her Hampstead and Kilburn seat with a margin of 15,560 votes, he said.
She polled 34,464 against her Conservative rival’s Claire-Louise Leyland 18,904 in Hampstead and Kilburn seat, Nasim said, adding that “We hope that Sheikh Rehana’s daughter -Tulip Rizwana Siddiq– once upon a time would be a cabinet member of the British government and lead the British people with her outstanding performance.”
Two other Bangladeshi-origin women candidates Rushanara Ali and Dr Rupa Huq, both from the Labour Party, were also reelected with a huge margin of votes from Bethnal Green and Bow constituency and the Ealing Central and Acton constituency respectively, said the health minister.
Later, State Minister for Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Zunaid Ahmed Palak and State Minister for Children and Women Affairs Meher Afroz Chumki joined the unscheduled short discussion.
