Threats to environment from polythene bags


A NATIONAL daily reported on Monday that use of polythene bags, which were earlier banned in 2000 by a law, has made the come back again although it is harmful to environment and public health. Its massive use is now noticeable all over the country including the capital on the nose of the law enforcers. Its production and distribution are going on unabated when the government is attempting to popularize the use of jute bags to protect environment. Most surprisingly the use of polythene bags is spreading throughout the country using marketing agents in cities, towns and other business centers. It is unbelievable how hundreds of factories are producing polythene bags in small lanes and by lanes; particularly in the old city defying the law and watch of the law enforcers who have their hands at all level.
Mainly factories in old city are producing it by tens of thousands every day with plastic granules and powder imported from abroad. The use of polythene bags significantly declined in the past years following the passage of the law but it made the comeback suddenly in recent years showing the neglect of the law enforcers and rather highlighting their tolerance to allow its production and marketing. Many pointed out at a nexus between the producers and policemen in this respect and the way its production and marketing is growing up, the blame can’t be altogether ruled out.
These bags are in growing use in the kitchen market and big shopping malls pushing to failure the attempts to replace it with jute bags; which are environment friendly and also supportive to public health. Bangladesh produces enough jute to produce jute bags while the inputs for polythene bags need to be imported using foreign currency.
But as things stand for, vested business quarters have their plants, investment and also the marketing network to push its use when people in the market also finds polythene bags light and handy. So its use is on the spread when the use of jute bags remained half-way and also pushed half-heartedly by the concerned authorities of the government.
Study report reveals that a single plastic bag can take up to 1000 years to decay completely while jute bags can be readily composite with soil. Polythene bags moreover blocks city sewerage lines to cause water logging and associated risks to public life.
In our view the existing policy of the government is at fault; which is allowing its use to spread instead of eliminating it by proper use of law. Elimination of its factories in old city will go a long way to stop its production and use in markets.
