Thousands of protesters take to streets in Cuba

People gather during protests against and in support of the government, amidst the coronavirus outbreak, outside the Capitol building, in Havana, Cuba.
People gather during protests against and in support of the government, amidst the coronavirus outbreak, outside the Capitol building, in Havana, Cuba.

Reuters :
Thousands of Cubans took to the streets from Havana to Santiago on Sunday in rarely seen protests, expressing frustration over economic conditions, the pace of Covid-19 vaccinations and what they said was government neglect.
President Miguel Diaz-Canel, who also heads the Communist Party, blamed the United States for the unrest in a nationally televised speech on Sunday afternoon. Special forces jeeps, with machine guns mounted on the back, were seen in the capital, Havana, and Diaz-Canel called on supporters to confront “provocations.”
Thousands of people gathered in downtown Havana and along parts of the seaside drive amid a heavy police
A Reuters reporter witnessed police pepper spray a few protesters and hit others with batons, but there was no attempt to directly confront the thousands chanting “Freedom” as they gathered and marched in the city center. Their shouts of “Diaz- Canel step down” drowned out groups of government supporters chanting “Fidel.” The protests broke out in San Antonio de los Banos municipality in Artemisa Province, bordering Havana, with video on social media showing hundreds of residents chanting anti-government slogans and demanding everything from coronavirus vaccines to an end of daily blackouts.
“I just walked through town looking to buy some food and there were lots of people there, some with signs, protesting,” local resident Claris Ramirez said by phone. “They are protesting blackouts, that there is no medicine,” she added. Diaz-Canel, who had just returned from San Antonio de los Banos, said many protesters were sincere but manipulated by US-orchestrated social media campaigns and “mercenaries” on the ground, and warned that further “provocations” would not be tolerated.
