Thousands of devotees throngs Jumatul Wida congregations

BSS, Chittagong :
Holy Jumatul Wida, the last Jumma prayers in the holy month of Ramadan, was observed in the mosques of all 11 districts under Chittagong division today with due religious fervour, solemnity, gaiety and rituals.
Thousands of Muslim devotees of all strata and age were thronged at the mosques during the holy Jumatul Wida congregations across the port city of Chittagong today.
Muslim males in a bigger number attired with traditional Panjabi and Paijama and other finest but religiously matched dresses assembled at the mosques of their localities much before the noon and engaged themselves in Zikr and Telawat-e-Quran before the jamat of the Juma started.
The Khatibs and Imams of different mosques delivered special Khutba highlighting the significance of Jumatul Wida and the holy month of Ramadan before the Jumatul Wida prayers.
Witnesses said two biggest Jumatul Wida congregations were held at Andarkilla Shahi Jame Mosque and Jamiatul Falah Mosque where thousands of devotees took part in the Juma prayer and special Munajats.
Sources said presence at the Juma congregation at Andarkilla Shahi Jame Mosque was so huge that the Jamat was stretched from City Corporation Gate to Laldighi premises.
The Jumatul Wida congregation at Shahi Jame Mosque was conducted by noted cleric Moulana Syed Taher Jabiree Al Madani while that one of Jamiatul Falah Mosque was led by Moulana Jalaluddin Al Quadery.
Special munajats were also offered at all mosques after Juma seeking divine blessings for the peace, progress and prosperity of the nation , the Muslim Ummah and as well as for the individuals.