Though light transports like electric rickshaws and vans are banned to ply on the Highways but who cares as heavy vehicles being obstructed to run slowly due to disruption by light vehicles. This photo was taken from Hemayetpur area on Tuesday. (Inset) Drivers are in queue as BRTA inspectors examining vehicles’ documents in front of Muktangan area in a bid to secure safe roads.

Though light transports like electric rickshaws and vans are banned to ply on the Highways but who cares as heavy vehicles being obstructed to run slowly due to disruption by light vehicles. This photo was taken from Hemayetpur area on Tuesday. (Inset) Dr
Though light transports like electric rickshaws and vans are banned to ply on the Highways but who cares as heavy vehicles being obstructed to run slowly due to disruption by light vehicles. This photo was taken from Hemayetpur area on Tuesday. (Inset) Dr