‘Those who oppose Bangabandhu Medical City are mass enemy’

Chittagong City AL Vice President Khorshed Alam Sujon (5th from left) seen receiving memorandum from the leaders of the CBBMC on Saturday.
Chittagong City AL Vice President Khorshed Alam Sujon (5th from left) seen receiving memorandum from the leaders of the CBBMC on Saturday.

Chittagong Bureau :Vice President of Chittagong city Awami League Khorshed Alam Sujan said the opposers to the establishment of Bandar Bangabandhu Medical City are the mass enemy.He said Port Authority has taken initiative to establish a cardiac hospital in Chittagong Port area with joint collaboration of internationally reputed surgeon Dr. Debi Sethi of India six year ago but due to opposition of a vested quarters , the initiative remained under red tape . This was disclosed by the AL leader while exchanging views with the leaders of Chittagong Bondar Bangabandhu Medical City Implementation Council on Saturday. CBBMC Parishad leaders led by its Convenor Md. Elias called on AL leader at part office on Saturday. AL leader Sujon apprised the Parishad leaders that this human oriented project could not implemented for the last six years due to oppositions of a vested quarter even after formal signing MoU. He said those oppose such a human related medicare project are obviously the enemy of the mass people.He further said this specialized hospital in the port city proposed after the name of the father of the nation and the opposers are undoubtedly opposers to the image Bangabandhu and the nation. He also said following the opposition to the proposed hospital ,it means tese vested quarter is undermining the great contribution of Bangabandhu. The parishad leaders told the AL leader that a vested group are trying to establish commercial installations in the proposed Hospital sit(former Labour colony field) aimed at personal benefits . The parishad leaders handed over a memorandum to AL leader Md. Khorshed Alam Sujon in connection. Sujon said Chttagong is a international port city where international sea port , airport and two international EPZ located and it is most essential to establish a specialized cardiac hospital in the port city. AL leaders urges Prime Minister for intervention in the matter of Bangabandhu Medical city .
