Those opposing 16th amendment bill are intellectually dishonest: Suranjit

UNB, Dhaka :
Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Law Ministry Suranjit Sengupta on Monday said those opposing the 16th amendment are intellectually dishonest and politically fraud.
“Dr Kamal and BNP didn’t even go through the bill. This is not only a political fraudulence but also intellectual dishonest… this is nothing but politically motivated stance.” he said.
Suranjit, also an advisory council member of the ruling Awami League, said “The people of Bangladesh
will remember Sheikh Hasina as this bill is an epoch-making initiative.”
The Awami League leader said this while addressing a discussion organised by Bangabandhu Academy at Dhaka Reporters Unity. “It’s going to be passed on September 17 or 18 in parliament,” Suranjit said.
Describing the bill as a balanced one, he said, “It’s much more democratic and will ensure more freedom and dignity of the judges than the Supreme Judicial Council amended by a dictator.”