They can`t be Muslim terrorists who do not attack Israel

SEVEN people were killed and over 50 injured in a terrorist attack near London Bridge in late Saturday evening. It is the third such attack in the UK in three months after Manchester City attack two weeks ago and Westminster Bridge attacks in March killing innocent people and terrorizing the peaceful foundation of the society. We mourn the deaths and express our sympathy to the victims and their families while we also express our solidarity with the British government and people facing the terrific challenges with courage and determination.

The British people are so close to our heart as hundreds and thousands of Bangladeshi nationals are also British nationals and any attack on the British society is therefore bound to infuriate our sentiment. Following Saturday’s attack British Prime Minister Ms Theresa May has vowed to pull together and unite the country to defeat the enemies. She also made sure that June 8 General Election would remain unchanged because she would not allow the democratic process to be disrupted. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has urged all communities to come together to fight the terrorists.

Condemnation is pouring in from all over the world and the common point everybody is trying to share is how to defeat the enemies of peace and humanity by all cost. London Mayor Sadiq Khan said Londoners would not be cowed by terrorism. Harun Khan, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain said Muslims everywhere are “outraged and disgusted at these cowards who once again have destroyed the lives of our fellow Britons”. He said barbarity in the fasting month of Ramzan shows these people respect neither life nor faith.”
We not only condemn the dastardly act but also ask the British government to vigorously investigate the real face of the ISIS jihadists indiscriminately killing Muslims and people of other faiths in the name of religion. As we have always said Islam is not the religion of killers. The ISIS jihadists are only using Muslim names as part of a deep-rooted conspiracy to isolate and oust the Muslims from Western countries.


What agitates the mind of any sensible person is that who can be the worst enemy of Muslims other than Israel and yet the so-called jihadists are totally tolerant to Israel without targeting its establishments. The government of Israel is mindlessly killing Palestinians, running the occupation of their land and uprooting them from their homes. Many have already raised question about ISIS-Israel connection to reinforce the suspicion that they are invariably Israeli agents working to destroy Middle East countries and the peaceful presence of the Muslims in Western countries by carrying out such heinous attacks.
So it is our earnest request to the Western countries to find out the whole truth about terrorist attacks and root them out.

At the same time we urge the Muslims in the UK and other countries to come out boldly to support them against the terrorists.
