POEMS: There’s no excuse

 Salina Akhtar :
Sometimes it seems
Life is just to fix,
As soon as we rush,
There’s no excuse for a little bit of mistake.
Never the less, nothing is perfect
It’s a little bit.
How many find the way,
The one that’s Lotus Dighi,
We’ll be in a swim there,
There is no wrong,
I just live with right.
The Lotus is elusive, not a hot bath.

Find all the way to find the way,
I’m not just what I wanted.
So today seems to be on the bar
Instead of trying to do wrong,
Some thing is wrong with the light.
Come out of all the barriers
Something new is wrong,
The courtyard of the enlightened heat,
Break the old day in chains
Let’s get the address of freedom,
Something is wrong there.
