There was instigation behind Munia’s suicide: Police Samples sent to CID for forensic, DNA tests


News Desk :
Police have registered an abetting suicide case against Bashundhara Group’s managing director after recovery of Mossrat Jahan Munia’s body from a Gulshan flat as they primarily think there was instigation behind the suspected suicide.
Sudip Chakrabarty, deputy commissioner (Gulshan division) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, made the remark while talking to reporters at his office on Thursday.
“We initially collected evidence after recovery of her body on April 26 and it appears that there was abetment behind the suicide,” he said.
Hours after the body was recovered, the deceased’s sister on early Tuesday filed the case against Bashundhara MD Sayem Sobhan Anvir with Gulshan Police Station.
DC Sudip said police could have registered it as an “unnatural death” case. But they did not as they saw the girl’s photo with the accused at the flat.
Besides, there are some diaries where she expressed her utter frustration and mental breakdown following tension in relationship, he added.
“Seeing the evidence, it appears to us that a bright young girl cannot kill herself without any reason or abetment,” the DC said while replying to a query.
He said police are trying to collect factual, circumstantial and digital evidences to prove the accusation-tension in relationship between girl and the accused, her mental torment and frustrations-that she mentioned in the diaries.
She had been writing the diaries for the last couple of years and possibly wrote on April 24 for the last time when she mentioned tension in their relationship, he added.
She did not mention anything about committing suicide directly but in a diary entry, she especially mentioned that she might do something extreme, the DC said.
The DC said they have some names of those involved and are interrogating them for information.
“Police will formally interrogate them and record their statement, if needed,” he said.
The DC said police so far went over CCTV footage of seven days till Monday, the day police recovered the body. There was no presence of the accused in the building on Monday and Sunday but he was there once during those seven days.
Sudip said they are investigating some important issues like the girl’s last phone call, bank transactions and the period between the last call and body recovery.
Asked about the alleged threats to the girl’s family, the DC said they are in touch with the family and have taken steps to ensure their security.
The investigators were informed by the Immigration authorities that Anvir-who has two passports-did not leave the country recently as per their digital database, he said replying to another query.
Meanwhile, two mobile phones, some cloths and DNA samples of Munia have been sent to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) for digital forensic and DNA tests.
“The CID will analyse and test those evidence in its digital forensic lab and also try to find out whether any person was present at the time of her death,” Jisanul Haque, senior assistant superintendent of CID told media on Thursday.
