There was graft in Niko deal: Nasrul

UNB, Sunamganj :
State Minister for Energy and Power Nasrul Hamid on Friday said the Niko graft case accused confessed before a Canadian court that there was corruption in signing the deal.
“They told the court in their confession that they had indulged in corruption to sign the deal,” he said while talking to reporters at the Tingratila gas field site in Doarabazar upazila.
The junior minister went to Tingratila to witness a survey being conducted by a foreign expert team to
assess losses caused in the aftermath of the blowout 11 years ago.
Nasrul Hamid said those testified before the Canadian court accused the then State Minister for Energy AKM Mosharraf Hossain of taking bribe.
Later, the state minister joined a mass hearing of those affected due to the blowout.
Doarabazar upazila chairman Idris Ali, additional deputy commissioner Manjur Murshed Shahriar, upazila nirbahi officer Saiful Islam and additional police super Abdul Momen were, among others, present.