There is nothing left for ceasefire and restore peace in Syria


PARTIES have gathered in Paris this time to re-launch a ceasefire between embattled groups in Syria and give a chance to peace again after the Aleppo debacle that destroyed the previous peace process. Representatives of Britain, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Jordan, Turkey and EU joined hands again to end the stalemate. Their Monday’s meeting in Paris sharing a platform of ‘Friends of Syria’ refocused on efforts to break the impasse. US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Paris for the talks with moderate rival leaders in which his French counterpart, Jean-Marc Ayrault will also join.
But it is not clear whether the Russian Foreign Minister is also joining the meet. They have power to destroy but they must use their power now to save a nation disintegrating in a prolonged war. The US and Russia, who support rival sides in Syria’s civil war must work to revive a February “cessation of hostilities” agreement that reduced fighting in parts of the country for several weeks. Against this backdrop of renewed diplomacy, Syria’s state news agency SANA said, quoting the military high command, that a ceasefire in the embattled northern city of Aleppo would be extended by 48 hours from Tuesday.
The efforts in Paris came on the same day that forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad fought the rebels near Aleppo and jets carried out raids around a nearby town. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said warplanes struck the town of Khan Touman, southwest of Aleppo. Rebels also fought government forces east of Damascus and fighter jet struck the rebel-held towns at other places.
Piecemeal efforts to kick start peace in Syria are nothing new. They establish, at the most, hours or days of cessation of hostilities, temporary relief for those living in besieged towns, a chance for peace and quiet for a few days, maybe a release of some prisoners. But they do nothing to resolve the principal cause of the conflict – the restoration of democracy in Syria and the removal of the authoritarian Bashar al-Assad regime.
Both Russia and the US governments will have to accept the truth that Syria belongs to its people and not to those who have captured power buying up army and police who betrayed with the people. It is most unfortunate that the big powers have shown more interest in maintaining their influence and allowed the Syrian people to die in thousands and flee their own country. Syria is the worst example how big power interests could be implemented most inhumanly.
Our appeal to both Russia and the US that they have to save Syrian people and not Bashar al-Assad who has no legitimacy to rule Syria. He deserves to be tried for genocide. But it will be all right if he is allowed to leave the country safely. Only then there will be peace for the Syrian people. Please save the Syrian people from holocaust.
