POEM: The woman

-Tahmina Begum
 What instance is there on earth man
other than woman?
Where can you live without woman?
Say mother or sister or daughter
or spouse,
How can you expect love without her in your house?
That who gives you company in sorrow
and happiness for lives together;
How can you deprive her
this way or that way
today or tomorrow?
The woman bears the burden of sorrow and pain
 and sufferings for time and again
yet why do you put her in trouble in all?
She gives birth to all of us and
We enjoy light of this earth
and sip milk of her breasts since birth
and dream most on her bosom.
Thus with rice and milk she brings us up being mom!
So is the great mother!
Then what makes us to disgrace her?
rather we must pay her honor
as the conscious children everywhere.

Pay respect to the mother, the sister, and the spouse
to make heaven our house.
Since birth of the daughter, its grace of Great Allah!
And she comes among us with all graces by Him, Ah!
So I call upon all of you
to pay honor that’s her due.
 Translation: M Mizanur Rahman
