The third instalment of the Wolverine film franchise – The Wolverine 3, which is expected to mark Hugh Jackman’s last performance as the clawed mutant, will reportedly be based on Old Man Logan storyline.
Although details of the film are still not revealed, it is believed that Jackman would bring his character into the twilight of his life via the Old Man Logan storyline from the comics. The Old Man Logan storyline was written by Mark Millar and illustrated by Steve McNiven. It ran for eight issues from 2008 to 2009.
The story was set in a future where super-villains run the world, and nearly all of the superheroes have been wiped out. The only characters involved in the story are Wolverine and Emma Frost.
The rest of the characters are taken from other Marvel characters like the Hulk, Hawkeye, Mysterio and the Red Skull.