The system of government is broken for DCs as well


THE annual conference of the Deputy Commissioners begins today (Tuesday). The cabinet secretary on Monday said the conference had already been shortened to three-day from five-day due to the fresh surge of Covid-19. Only 15 ministers and secretaries of 15 ministries have got invitation to the inauguration ceremony. Besides, the DCs have been asked to complete the RTPR test along with their gunmen, drivers and companions before joining the meeting. The DC’s conference will held virtually but only the part where the government head is expected to attend. Most probably, the high-ups are interested in holding closed door meetings with the administrative heads of the districts. Only 64 people will be allowed to alternative venue Osmani Memorial Auditorium although it has capacity to accommodate 700 people.
According to the newspaper reports, the issues including Covid-19, land management, law enforcement, strengthening activities of local government, disaster management, poverty reduction and employment at the local level, social safety net activities, ICT and e-governance, education, health, environment, physical infrastructure and development activities will be highlighted during the conference.
Whatever the official agenda may be, it is nothing secret that as the conference was not held in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, therefore this year’s DCs conference is very important to the government for various reasons. Actually, the DCs play the role on behalf of the government in the district level while implementing government’s agenda. It is the most essential part of their job. So, the involvement of DCs in the election process and other political programmes is very common. In previous national polls, the role of DCs and UNOs was highly praised by the government. And in exchange of their loyalty, they were rewarded in different ways. Their salaries, allowances and other benefits were increased. Not only the DCs and UNOs, all the government job holders were benefitted.
Under the present system it is not easy for the public servants to serve the people when unelected MPs and party followers are more powerful. But let us not forget that the country belongs to the people and money comes from the people.
Everybody knows that system of government has broken. Yet, we would like to hope that the system must work so that chaos does not take over.
