Readers' Forum: The Seven human virtues

On the night of receiving Prophethood at the Hera Mountain, the Prophet Muhammad (SM) was trembling in fear, sweating. Hurriedly he returned home and said to Khadiza, his wife: Cover me with a blanket. Khadiza did it. After sometime, the Prophet narrated everything of his receiving Prophethood from Allah on the mountain and said: Shall I be able to bear thee responsibility Allah conferred upon me?
Khadiza said: Be quiet. Allah will not disgrace you because you are the bearer of all the seven qualifications of humanity. These are: 1) To behave kindly with relatives and pay them their dues; 2) Truthfulness; 3) Return of trusts to the depositors; 4) To feed, clothe and shelter the orphans, widows, blinds, lame, crippled i.e. all the disables; 5) To try to resolve unemployment; 6) hospitality and 7) To remain ready to meet emergencies during natural calamities-{Reference Bukhari Sharif: Revelation Chapter, narrated by Hazrat Ayesha (RA)}.
The Prophet said: Feed the hungry, serve the sick and release the (innocent) prisoners. Now we are sure that the Ex. Marxists of our country and their imperialist allies will realise the qualifications of humanity and refrain from making controversy in the society.

Ameer Hamzah
