The return of Bangabandhu: Some comments


Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque and Dr. Abul Kashem Mozumder :
The nation commemorated the return of Bangabandhu as the return of saint. It was same as Khokababur Pratabartan as his nick name was Khoka. His return to the country he created was a great historic moment–another red letter day after victory day. In fact our victory in liberation war became complete after his return. Bangabandhu’s homecoming day was another victory. Tenth January is earmarked for elebrating his homecoming day.
” Bangabandhu seemed tired after all those months in solitary confinement in Pakistan. More than that, he was clearly overwhelmed by the ecstatic manner in which his people, the newly freed Bengalis of his Bangladesh, were welcoming him home.He was leaner than he was when the Pakistan army abducted him and took him to Pakistan in March 1971. His hair was disheveled. With an inimitable smile on his lips, he ran his hand through his hair as it fell over his forehead. There was fatigue written all over him. Yet there was the power in those eyes that held the crowd in its gleam.He wept. For the first time in his public career, before the world, Bangabandhu shed tears in remembrance of the terrible ravages Bangladesh had gone through in the preceding nine months.With him, the nation wept too, reflecting how seventy five million Bengalis had worried about his safety, how they had prayed for his life and for him to return home.Hours before, Bangabandhu had been welcomed as the president of Bangladesh in Delhi. Seventy five million Bengalis watched their head of state inspect an honour guard before setting off for the Race Course, the same where echoes of his March 7, 1971, clarion call to liberty were yet being heard.The truck bearing Bangabandhu inched its way forward. That brief distance from the airport to the Race Course had turned into human sea. Happy crowds had occupied every bit of space. Every rooftop was an image of delighted faces — men, women and children. Perching themselves on the branches of trees, youths shared the glory too. Every conversation was but two simple, purposeful, energising words.In that winter evening, Bangabandhu spoke to the country for the first time since March 1971. The nation listened to the words coming out from his heart, as they always did. His voice was choked with emotion, but that did little to mar the eloquence of his expression. Again, the nation witnessed Bangabandhu’s oratory at its peak of grandeur. It was Joy Bangla.” To cite English dailies:
The nation celebrated the historic Homecoming Day of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 10 January, 2017. On this day in 1972, Bangabandhu returned home after nine and a half months of captivity in Pakistan jail. Millions of cheering people had gathered on both sides of the streets to welcome Bangabandhu, the architect of Bangladesh’s independence. Bangabandhu had arrived at Tejgaon Airport from New Delhi by a British Air force flight at 1:41pm on January 10. Earlier on his release from Pakistani captivity, Bangabandhu made a short visit to London before departing for his beloved new-born Bangladesh en-route to New Delhi. The road from Shahbagh to then Tejgaon Airport was jam-packed with crowds who were eagerly waiting for their beloved leader. A delighted Bangabandhu burst into tears when he hugged his four close associates, who successfully led the War of Liberation in his absence, on his arrival at the airport.
Millions of people from all strata stood on Mymensingh Road, now VIP Road, to have a glimpse of Bangabandhu as an open truck carrying him was moving towards the then Race Course ground, now Suhrawardy Udyan. It took about four hours for his motorcade to reach Race Course Maidan where he later addressed a mammoth rally of more than a million people. In the wake of the military crackdown by the Pakistani junta, Bangabandhu, who became the undisputed leader of the then Pakistan following the massive victory of his party Awami League in the 1970 general election, declared Independence of Bangladesh through the then East Pakistan Rifles, EPR wireless at 00-30 hours on March 26 (the night following March 25) in 1971 at his historic 32 in Dhanmondi residence.
Pakistan army later arrested Bangabandhu from his Dhanmondi residence during the late-night crackdown of Pakistani occupation forces on the people of Bangladesh. The Pakistan junta later sent Bangabandhu to Pakistan and imprisoned him.After the nation achieved its victory over Pakistan on December 16, 1971 through a nine-month liberation war, the then Pakistan junta was compelled to free Bangabandhu.
After his assumption of the office of Prime Minister Bangabandhu found himself confronted with a challenging situation. In fact the challenge was momentous. He felt it incumbent upon him to reconstruct the war-ravaged country. Communication system, the posts and industries were completely destroyed due to earth scorch policy of Pakistan occupation army. “Schools and colleges, factories and food silos were burnt to ashes by the marauding Pakistani soldiers. Then there was the staggering problem of the rehabilitation of the families of the martyrs, of those who were maimed by the War and of the women tortured by the Pak army. Ten million refugees, who had fled to India, were to be brought back and rehabilitated. The economy was in a shambles, foreign currency reserve was nil; the food silos were empty. The possibility of a famine was being forecast. Things were compounded by the drought of 1972, the devastating cyclone of 1973, the adverse effect of the worldwide recession owing to the Arab-Israeli War and the floods of 1974 etc. A greater threat to the political stability of the newborn country was posed by the conspiracies of the defeated anti-liberation quarters. The government of Bangabandhu had to confront these challenges of reconstruction on a War footing.
On his return from his confinement in Pakistan on January 10, 1972, Bangabandhu devoted himself to this stupendous task of reconstruction.” What he did immediately after liberation was rehabilitation of 10 million refugees who took shelter in India, rehabilitation of nearly 3 lakh women now honored with birangana, ensuring the return of the Indian forces to their land) framing of one of the world’s best constitutions within 10 months, introduction of Parliamentary system, holding of general elections in 1973, reorganization of the Defence Forces,appointment of the Kudrat-e-Khuda Education Commission for framing a scientific and secular education policy, he promulgation of a democratic ordinance for the universities (1973), nationalization of 40 thousand primary schools and winning of recognition by 140 nations of the world
It does seem that his return as a messiah was deemed essential. He set himself assiduously to rebuilding the nation with the spirit of liberation. We can achieve independence. It is difficult to defend sovereignty. Vied in this perspective the whole nation would like to entrust upon Bangabandhu the Herculean tasks of national reconstruction. He used his charisma in doing things what was to be done in a newly born nation state.

(Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque teaches Public Administration in Chittagong and Dr. Abul Kashem Mozumder is a member, PSC.)
