The responsibilities of a student

Touhid Ebrahim :
The country which produces a generation of talented, hardworking, dutiful and responsible youth goes ahead along the path of development. It is difficult creating quality citizens across the country and any intervention making better citizens cannot be achieved overnight. However, if the school, college, and university going students can be transformed into skilled human resources, the country can go ahead speedily. Students are treated as the productive section and vital organs of a developed country. They are prospective heirs of a country and the pillars on which beautiful edifices can be built. They can make their nation great with their thinking, dreaming, and achievement. So, they should be well equipped with sound moral, political, and economic views.
A student is a learner who attends a formal educational institution. We can say more specifically, a student is a person who attends or undertakes a course of study at a school, a college, a university, or in some other establishments. The student life is the most important period of one’s life because this is the preparation time. Our future hopes and dreams mostly depend upon what we have done here. At this time, our mind is like clay. Clay is a very soft thing which potters use to make different things. Like clay our mind also can be shaped in different ways. If a potter make a pot for once, its shape cannot be changed until its life is over. In the same way, if our character is once formed in a better way, it cannot be changed easily. If we receive good education and grooming in our student life, we shall be good citizens in our future life. On the other hand, if we do not receive good training, we shall not be good citizens in future. A boy with mean character always thinks evils and can never be a great man. Therefore, we should be very conscious about how our mind is being shaped. We must be an ideal student and take care of our mind so that we may receive good training in our student life.
Now the question can be asked, who is an ideal student? What are the duties and responsibilities of an ideal student? What should be the daily routine of aspiring student like? Who should they spend time with? To me, there is no definite answer to that because there are many qualities and responsibilities that together define an ideal student. An ideal student is the embodiment of good qualities and is a role model to follow. The most important quality of an ideal student is to study with proper concentration throughout his educational life, analyze what they have studied or observed, and relate the learning to real life. S/he studies regularly and works hard to improve her/his performances in each examination. Of course, the goal of studying can never be scoring only good marks or grades even at the cost of honesty. Other than this, a student should have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and an interest to learn more about everything s/he observes.
Apart from studies, an ideal student actively get involves in other activities. A proverb goes that, “The more you read, the more you learn.” But studying from only books will not help a student develop, I trust. In order to be really good, an ideal student must strive in multiple areas: reading, traveling, information and communication technology, social activities, helping classmates and others. A genuine and proactive student never shows lame excuse blaming the unfavorable situation of the campus and the learning environment rather than s/he makes the situation and environment favorable to study; actively takes part in academic as well as co-curricular activities like games and sports, physical exercise, travelling, debates, speeches, cultural programs, and seminars, obeys existing rules and regulations of the society and the state; has noble aims and cultivates values and virtues like honesty, sincerity, regularity, co-operation, compassion, kindness, politeness, dutifulness, truthfulness, perseverance, forbearance, etc. A sincere student gives utmost priority to develop his/her moral character, s/he leads a strictly disciplined life and never indulges in evil thoughts; s/he is a true patriot and works hard for the development of society. In times of crisis s/he is the first person to stand by the nation; treats their parents, teachers, and elders with respect and speaks politely to everybody. Additionally, a potential student reads newspapers, magazines, journals, and widens his/her positive outlook. We may call a student an ideal student when s/he possesses the above qualities.
In Bangladesh, we see most of the students are indifferent to studies as well as duties and responsibilities. They search every opportunity for cheating in the examinations. In order to cheat, they use their political influences. In the past, history of our country bears the testimony, the students contributed a lot to the welfare and well-being of the country. Their achievements in different movements including the language movement and the liberation war of our beloved motherland were really glorious. But that politics has changed a lot, and is responsible for the degradation in the students’ morality. Some of the students are now derailed and they disturb others. In my college life, I have never heard students chanting slogans for books in the library, for extra classes, or for modern teaching-learning materials.
A certain quarter always tries to use common students for their personal interests. Sometimes some of the students come in contact with drugs and spoil their most valuable time of life. They just waste their parents’ hard-earned money. Although they pass in the examinations using unfair means, their certificates cannot provide them with a good job. As an ultimate result, they fall into a completely hopeless situation. Being dishonored in the family as well as in the society they often go for stealing, hijacking, and all sorts of misdeeds to procure money. But an ideal student must refrain himself/herself from such misdoings.
The student life is the golden period of one’s life. During this time, a student is usually free from cares and anxieties. Although some of the students have to suffer financial crises because of coming off a disadvantaged family, for future betterment, they must concentrate to study. If we invest our time now, we will see better days in future. Finally, I would like to request all of the students, let us study together, be friend of each other, stop harassing junior students in the name of ragging and come back to right track. We will together make a better Bangladesh where there will be no enmity and ill-feelings between the citizens.
(The writer is a third year ‘Bachelor of Education’ honours student at Govt. Teachers’ Training College, Dhaka. He can be reached at email: [email protected])