The raffle draw programme of IG Health Bulletin Vol:2, Issue:1 took place at Islam Chamber in the capital recently. Prof Dr Mohammad Yousuf, Head of the Department ENT and Head Neck Surgery of Delta Medical College and Hospital, Prof Ferdousi Islam (Lipi) Head of the Department of Obsetetrics and Gynecology of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital , Akhil Chandra Bhowmik, Director Marketing of Navana Pharmaceuticals and Elthen B kabir, Deputy Chairman of Islam group attended the event among others.

The raffle draw programme of IG Health Bulletin Vol:2, Issue:1 took place at Islam Chamber in the capital recently. Prof Dr Mohammad Yousuf, Head of the Department ENT and Head Neck Surgery of Delta Medical College and Hospital, Prof Ferdousi Islam (Lipi)
The raffle draw programme of IG Health Bulletin Vol:2, Issue:1 took place at Islam Chamber in the capital recently. Prof Dr Mohammad Yousuf, Head of the Department ENT and Head Neck Surgery of Delta Medical College and Hospital, Prof Ferdousi Islam (Lipi)

