POEMS: The poet’s song


The rain had fallen, the Poet arose
He pass’d by the town and out of the street,
A light wind blew from the gates of the sun,
And waves of shadow went over the wheat,
And he sat him down in a lonely place,
And chanted a melody loud and sweet,
That made the wild-swan pause in her cloud,
And the lark drop down at his feet.

The swallow stopped as he hunted the bee,
The snake slipped under a spray,
The wild hawk stood with the down on his beak,
And stared, with his foot on the prey,
And the nightingale thought, I have sung many songs,
But never a one so gay,
For he sings of what the world will be
When the years have died away.

Clouds hover all
over the sky
-M Mizanur Rahman
 Clouds hover all over the sky.
It’s raining.
It helps none complaining.
The sun seems to be shy
 of appearing!
 Even the moon is fighting shy
 when clouds overwhelmed the sky.
It’s raining with song of pathos!
 That we hardly see of those
suffering people all along!
It rains as if it sheds tears
of the beloved.
It helps none complaining-
 that tears’ shed
of love song!
Bangladesh in rains
-Farid Sayed

The sky is covered with dark cloud
Land without light,
It is raining cats and dogs
It feels nice to see the sight.


But still the little girl wonders
How to reach the class in rain?
Homework for the teacher ready
Regular class she needs to attain.

In the rhythmic pattering rain
At last she sleeps in secrecy,
The tuning anklet roams around,
In the land of fantasy.

There someone asks her:
Where’s your land would you express?
Proudly the little girl replies:
My country is Bangladesh.

Translation: Anis Fatema
