Sundarbans: The physical buffer that needs a rest

UNb, Bagerhat :
The Forest Department is planning to give the Sundarbans, which minimised the intensity of cyclonic storm ‘Bulbul’ as well as the extent of damages acting as a shield, a breathing space to heal its wounds by restricting the tourist flow into the world’s largest mangrove forest.
Md Mahmudul Hasan, divisional forest officer (DFO) of the Sundarbans East Zone, said the cyclone wreaked havoc on the forest before entering the localities losing its strength. “So, the ecosystem of the Sundarbans should be given a rest. For this, the entry of tourists to it was restricted from Tuesday.”
He also said the tourism activities in the Sundarbans will fully remain suspended for three days from November 25 to ascertain the damage caused by the cyclone.
Moin Uddin Khan, a forest conservator of Khulna Zone, said the authorities have decided to restrict the tourist flow into the forest. “To give the forest a breathing space, it has been decided
that package tours will remain suspended on November 25-27.”
The Sundarbans have been protecting the people of the coastal belt from different disasters, including cyclone, for ages acting as a natural shield, sometimes costing its flora and fauna. There is no exception in the case of cyclonic storm ‘Bulbul’ which lashed the coastal districts on Sunday.
It was because of the Sundarbans that the intensity of the cyclone as well as the extent of damages were minimised as it hit the forest first and then entered the localities losing strength.