POEM: The New Nation: 40th Anniversary

-Abdul Muqit Chowdhury
Passed the days, months and years-
Era of speaking four decades.
Amidst readers’ bravo cheers
Commitment for Truth never fades.

Crossed the age of uneven way
New Nation for contribution.
A group of journalists say their say
Believe in free in speech mission.

Suppressed, deprived speak here-
Voice of each one New Nation.
Those who cannot utter their
Untold miserable cases on.

A symphony of pens’ chorus-
Sing the song of Truth and Right.
A story of unified opinion thus
For Truth fight with their might.

Here no room for compromise
Against all inhuman seek justice.
In it the vision mission lives
The New Nation -A voice of peace.


This Nation has a past glory-
Needs be nourished great heritage
Of centuries, we don’t worry,
Land of humanism-great image.

Dreamt a dream so charming nice!
People dedicated, freedom fought.
For a free land heavy the price-
Achieving Flag and country sought.

Nourish that aspired freedom on
To live and love the mass deprived.
The sun in the eastern horizon-
Fight the fight and share the light.

New Nation upholds justice for all
Sticks to uncompromising voice.
Discrimination, disunity no, never
Fraternity, unity our choice.

Hands are up in Birthday prayer
Let our people-mankind there
Be in sunbeams enlightened far-
The days to shine after disaster.
