The movement of Imam Husain (Ra)

Md. Asifur Rahman :
Ashura – the 10th Muharram is the day of martyrdom of Imam Husain (Ra). In the year of 61st A.H. he and his family members and companions were killed by the soldiers of Yazid. Every year Muslims of the world remember this tragic event. If we only remember the great tragedy, but forget the ideology for which the Imam and his companions sacrificed their lives and the background of their martyrdom, the sacrifice will remain a tragic event only; we cannot learn any lesson from it.
As a member of the household of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sm), Imam Husain has been declared infallible by the Almighty Allah in the Holy Quran: ‘…Indeed Allah desires to repel all impurity from you, O People of the Household, and purify you with a thorough purification.’ (Sura Al-Ahzab33: 33) Prophet (Sm) said : ‘Hasan and Husain are the leaders of the young of the Heaven.’ (Jame Al-Tirmiji)
Imam Husain learnt the basic teachings of Islam from the Prophet. After the demise of Prophet (Sm) he was brought up by ‘the door of the knowledge of the Prophet’ Hazrat Ali (Ra) and ‘the leader of women in Heaven’ Hazrat Fatima (Ra). He was the witness of the sacrifice of his mother, father and his elder brother. Now the time has come to sacrifice himself and he did it in the best way. Because of his great sacrifice for the sake of Islam, he is ‘the leader of the young of Heaven.’ As Prophet (Sm) struggled to establish Islam, Imam Husain also struggled for reestablishing Islamic rule.
What happened after the demise of the Prophet (Sm)? Suddenly Yazid ibn Muawiya came to power and he ordered Imam Husain to accept him as the ruler of Muslim Ummah. Imam Husain refused and began his movement. When he was going to Kufa he was compelled to go to Karbala and there he died tragically. The tragedy of Karbala occurred because of the continuous conspiracy of the people who did not accept Islamic codes in their heart.
Because of these people the unrest began in the time of the Khilafat of Hazrat Uthman (Ra) and finally he was killed. This unrest continued in the time of the Khilafat of Hazrat Ali (Ra). After the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali, Imam Hasan (Ra) was killed by the hypocrites. Then Amir Muawiya appointed his wicked son Yazid as the Khalifa of the Ummah.
People began to violate Islamic rules and regulations. Even the ruler himself began to violate Islamic Law openly. He was trying to destroy Islam. Imam Hussain said about this: ‘One should bid farewell to Islam when the Ummah is afflicted with such a ruler as Yazid.’ So, Imam Husain began his movement.
Some people say that Yazid ibn Muawiya sought allegiance from Imam Husain, so he began his movement against him. But this is not right. If Yazid did not seek allegiance, surely Imam Husain would revolt. Because it was Islam what was at the trigger point of the ruler. Imam Husain knew that if he did not protest and let Yazid do whatever opposite to Islam, every evil work will be valid and in this way Islam will be perished. On the other hand, Yazid knew that as long as Imam Husain is alive he would not succeed. So he was in search of an opportunity to kill him.
Some people say that people of Kufa ensured him that they would make him their leader and they would help him to fight against Yazid. After this assurance Imam Husain decided to move. It is also wrong. Because it has been described in the history that when Imam Husain left Madina to Makka, the people of Kufa did not know that. Rather people of Kufa knew that after two months of his arrival at Makka. After knowing that they wrote him hundreds of letters. They invited him to go to Kufa.
It is said that Imam Husain made a mistake to judge the sentiment of the people of Kufa and he should not trust them.
It was Imam’s duty to response to them. If this kind of invitation would come from anywhere else, he would respond to those also.
In fact, Imam Husain went to Makka, because Zilhaz- the month of pilgrimage was near. He wanted the pilgrims to know about his mission. But, he had no choice other than to leave Makka as he apprehended his assassination by the people of Yazid. In this situation he accepted invitation from Kufa.
Actually no one can deny the importance of the political and military power of Kufa after the incident of Karbala. History says that the role of Kufa became the vital. Some analysts might say; the betrayal of the people of Kufa was well-known. Imam Husain could justify this time. The Imam thought that the people of Kufa suffered for a long period and after those sufferings they might have rectified themselves. If Imam Husain would go there, the reign of Umayyadh would fall. Imam Husain left no options to condemn him: ‘why he did not go there?’
When Imam Husain saw that his speeches had no influence on the people, he chose the path of sacrificing life to wake up the people. By giving his blood he woke up the people. When he sacrificed himself, the people became conscious to know why he and his companions sacrificed their lives . They began to find out the reason and began to enquire about the character of the ruler. Then revolt after revolt took place. People of Makka, Madina, Kufa and other places started to revolt against the rulers.
Yazid violated Islamic laws. He occupied the position of ruler and become the leader of the Ummah with all his inhuman qualities as a traitor to Islamic ideals and Ahle Bayt. He was openly involved in drinking wine including other un-Islamic activities.
So, it was the time for movement. Imam Husain (Ra) has shown the Muslims-the contemporary and next generations the time and the process of zihad.