‘The media have failed us’: British Muslims on coverage of the Paris attacks


Islamic leaders and the Muslim population have been quick to show solidarity with France and condemn last Friday’s terror attacks.On social media, people used the hashtags #IamMuslim and #PrayforParis in a show of unity. But what effect have the attacks had on Muslims and do they feel public sentiment towards them has changed?We asked British Muslims to share their thoughts and experiences, including whether they thought the media had reported the attacks and their aftermath sensitively. Here’s what they had to say:Anonymous, 19, Preston I am a westerner. I am free, liberal, a British citizen but also a Muslim. It is not a contradiction. I can be all of these things and I am. But events such as the Paris attacks, paint a very different picture.My life has been affected a lot more than I thought it would be. I shan’t delve into a sob story, or complain about my situation because I deal with it like I deal with everything else that goes on. But I will say that when I am out in public people don’t see me; they see the scarf wrapped on my head and that for them that is enough. I get glances in my direction, a sigh as someone walks passed and every now and then an intense stare. I don’t mind it, but being ostracised for being aMuslim isn’t great. It makes me feel impure, vulnerable and worst of all a victim. I do not want to feel like a victim nor feel victimised. I want to weep for those whose innocent souls have passed, not for myself.A couple of days ago, I was on the bus at 5:41am as I had an early lecture to attend. A white middle-aged man came on to the bus and asked to buy a weekly ticket costing £34. He paid £30 and began to rummage in his bag for the remaining £4. The driver took the money, and waited for the man. In the minutes that follow the man is unable to find the correct change and panics; if he doesn’t get on this bus he has to wait at least 45 minutes in a leaky bus shelter for the next one. I rummage through my own bag and find £4. I proceed to give the change to the driver. Both the man and the driver look at me in awe, like they didn’t expect me to do what I did. The most beautiful thing about it all wasn’t my charitable act, but that through this I had broken the stigma that they held about me. Sharma, 17, LondonMuslims, if anything, have it the worst. We carry the dual burden of not only fearing a terror attack, just like the rest of the western world, but also the threat from people who feel they have the right to attack Muslims in response to Paris. Lone Muslim women are particularly vulnerable; I’ve experienced stares and horrible looks on public transport.People now associate the Muslim community with terror and violence, and people see us as aliens. Sweeping statements have been made to generalise an entire religion of 1.6 billion people on the basis of the actions of a few corrupt individuals. British Muslims, like myself, now feel frightened or at risk to leave our houses due to backlash attacks. We were born and bred in this country and now fear a simple walk to the shop more inconceivable than ever.The media have failed Muslims by making no distinction between a minority terror group, who even Muslims are victims of, and ordinary Muslims who follow a peaceful religion which perpetuates joy and social cohesion. By the media sparking fears around ordinary Muslims, we are playing into the hands of the terrorists. The terrorists want to see a rift between Muslims and non-Muslims and, in the long term, want to recruit lost Muslims who feel neglected by British society.
