The brave brother

Star Rees with her brother Ty who saved her life when she choked on a handful of 5p coins. See SWNS story SWCOINS: A toddler choking on a handful of 5p coins was saved when her brother used skills he spotted on a TV ad to clear her airways. Two-year-old Star Rees swallowed three coins and staggered - unable to breath - into a room where big brother Ty was watching television. Luckily the 12-year-old had seen St John Ambulance's recent Chokeables advert, which shows techniques to save a baby's life. Following the advice given, he quickly lay Star face-down on his thigh and gave several sharp back blows - dislodging the coins enough for his sister to breath again. Mum Marie Tyack then intervened and her boyfriend Kev Blackburn gave Star another firm back slap - and three 5p coins shot out of her mouth.

Life Desk :Displaying extraordinary courage and presence of mind for his age, a 12-year-old boy saved his 2-year-old sister’s life after she swallowed a couple of 5 pence coins and started choking, a Daily Mail report said.Ty Rees was watching television when her sister Star Tyack, who was not in a position to speak or breathe, entered his room and the attentive brother immediately provided her first aid by placing her face-down on his thigh and giving her blows on her back, according to Daily Mail. Rees also called for his mother and her boyfriend simultaneously, who gave another blow on her back and three coins came out of the kid’s mouth. Rees’ timely blows helped dislodge the coins which saved the toddler’s life. Luckily, the boy had recently watched an ambulance advertisement which demonstrated what to do when a baby is choking. The big brother kept his calm when he encountered a practical situation and applied the first aid just the way he saw it in the ad.Imagine the fate of the poor toddler had her brother not known the first aid technique. This incident highlights the need to educate children in first-aid methods.-Express Web Desk
