The Black Night and the Birth of Bangladesh


-Tapan Kumar Mistry
People dreaming for something precious
(It’s nothing but Freedom leading to peace)
Decided to vanquish the ruling Khans
Following Bangabandhu’s grand speech.
As if it had been the beacon light
Detecting the way to the Victory,
Messages passed from person to person
And hopping to fight, they’re about to ready.

Right then at dead of night
The hyena’s claws reviled the mass
Lying asleep with hopes and dreams.
They’re either teachers or professionals.

No light peeped into the hut or flat.
Darks clouded the sky over the head.
Pak troops seized the city
Leaving behind many people dead.


Babies crying around failed to know
What happened to their fathers?
Or, how fate frowned at moms
Or, what happened to them or others.

Blood and blood across the land,
Pak troops getting glad
Aborting the womb of Bengal.
Leaders in Pindi enjoyed the blood.

Holy blood never goes in vain.
A baby’s birth on twenty-six March.
“Bangladesh is free now.”
Bangabandhu pronounced the verse.
