The 52nd death anniversary of the Founder Editor of Daily Ittefaqe renowned Journalist Tofazzal Hussain Manilk Mia was observed on Wednesday. The New Nation Sylhet Bureau Office arranged a Doa Mahfil at Dorgahe Hozrat Shah Jalal (R) Jame Mosque in the Sylhet City. Chairman of Bangladesh Nezame Islam Party and Islami Oikojote Moulana Abdur Rakib Advocate, The New Nation Sylhet Bureau Chief SA Shofiee, Prominent Islamic thinkers Maulana Abdul Malik, Maulana Hifzur Rahman, Maulana Abdul Awal, The Earth of Autograph Editor Abdul Qadir Jiban, Daily Ajkal Khabar Sadar correspondent Anisur Rahman, Bishwanath correspondent Md. Nurul Islam, Dakshin Surma Press Club member Shahed Ahmed Shant and various social activists also attendrd the doa mahfil. Maulana Md. Abdur Rakib Advocate conducted the Doa Mahfil.

The 52nd death anniversary of the Founder Editor of Daily Ittefaqe renowned Journalist Tofazzal Hussain Manilk Mia was observed on Wednesday. The New Nation Sylhet Bureau Office arranged a Doa Mahfil at Dorgahe Hozrat Shah Jalal (R) Jame Mosque in the Sy
The 52nd death anniversary of the Founder Editor of Daily Ittefaqe renowned Journalist Tofazzal Hussain Manilk Mia was observed on Wednesday. The New Nation Sylhet Bureau Office arranged a Doa Mahfil at Dorgahe Hozrat Shah Jalal (R) Jame Mosque in the Sy

