The 41st BCS exam should be held under strict health guidelines


AROUND 5 lakh candidates will sit for the competitive 41st BCS (Bangladesh Civil Service) examination today amid the resurgence of Covid-19 infections due to health safety guidelines violation. The Public Service Commission has issued a 11-point health guideline to arrange the test, but to which extent the guideline is implementable is in doubt. When the government keeps educational institutions closed for a year and job aspirants have little opportunity to make preparations for the inconvenient environment, holding of the BCS exam is an eyewash.
The High Court on Tuesday rejected a writ petition filed by a BCS candidate seeking its deferral due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the recent surge in infections and fatalities. Amid many job aspirants demanding the exam be rescheduled, the High Court dismissed the writ and cleared the way for the exam to be held by following health guidelines. However public health experts say ensuring the health guidelines is now a challenge for the PSC and the five lakh candidates.
Earlier, on February 22, Education Minister Dipu Moni said the BCS exams would be postponed, and a new date announced in line with the reopening of universities. However at a PSC meeting on March 3, it was decided to keep the schedule of 41st BCS exam on March 19. Job aspirants are also divided. While many students demanded the rescheduling of the exam, some of them also wanted the exam to be held on the set date. There are many centres where 3,000-4,000 candidates will sit for the exam and managing such centres would be a big challenge.
As the HC has decided in favour of holding the exams, we earnestly request the candidates, exam centre managers, the PSC and local administration to comply with the 11-point health guideline so that the exam does not create room for new infections.
