Recipes: Thai Prawn Salad

Thai Prawn Salad
Thai Prawn Salad

Thai Prawn Salad
16 Prawns
120 gm Rice Noodle
1 Radish
1 sticks Celery
80 gm Sprouts
2 tsp Chopped coriander
3 tbsp Chopped spring onion
2 tsp chopped garlic
21/2 grated ginger
11/2 honey
2 tsp lemon juice
80ml Sesame oil
1 tbsp fish sauce
4 tsp chilli oil
Salt and black pepper to taste
Boil water in a pan, add the prawn and cook for 5 minutes or until done. Remove and run under cold water and set aside.
In a large bowl, add warm water and soak the rice noodle for 1 hour, drain, refresh under cold water and place in a bowl.
Peel and cut radish and celery into fine julienne.
To prepare dressing combine chop garlic grated ginger, honey, lemon juice, sesame oil fish sauce, chilli oil, salt and black pepper.
Combine all the prawns and rice noodle, add sprouts, coriander and spring onion. Pour the dressing and toss well.
Mound the salad in a serving plate and serve it.
