Thai Buddhists to help anti-Muslim Myanmar monks set up radio station

AFP, Yangoon :
Thai Buddhists have offered to help a network of hardline anti-Muslim Myanmar monks set up a radio station to spread their message across a nation where sectarian hatred is on the rise.
More than a dozen Thai Buddhists were among hundreds who attended a two-day conference in Yangon over the weekend organised by the Ma Ba Tha movement.
During the meeting a Thai group which produces religious radio and television programmes in the kingdom promised to donate $44,000-worth of radio equipment to the Myanmar movement.
The offer was of “support not with money, but with equipment and the installation of a radio station, worth about 1.5 million baht,” Woottisarn Panaree, vice president of the National Thai Buddhism and Culture Mass Media Association, who attended the meeting, told AFP on Wednesday.
“Radio and television plays an important role in preaching Buddhism in Thailand. It will help them preach Buddhism in Myanmar,” he added.
Myanmar is wrestling with growing Buddhist nationalist sentiment driven by hardline monks, who have urged boycotts of Muslim shops and proposed a raft of deeply controversial laws that critics say are discriminatory.
Their rise has accompanied several bouts of religious violence between Muslims and Buddhists, mainly in Rakhine State.
In recent weeks nationalist monks have been at the forefront of protests against the country’s Rohingya, a persecuted Muslim minority from Rakhine who have fled in their tens of thousands since communal violence broke out there in 2012.