BD in touch with: Thai authorities to know two survivors’ nationality


Staff Reporter :Bangladesh Embassy in Bangkok is continuously in touch with the Thai authorities to know if there was any Bangladeshi among the survivors, who were rescued from a remote jungle of Thailand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sources said on Sunday.Thai police found at least 30 graves at a suspected abandoned camp of human traffickers in the southern part of Thailand on Friday. They also rescued two people alive in perilous health conditions. The police are suspecting the graves are of the migrants from Myanmar and Bangladesh.The Foreign Ministry is in contact with the Bangkok Mission of Bangladesh and the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security of Thailand. Bangladesh Embassy has already requested the Thai authorities to give it the details of the rescued persons. The embassy officials also sought permission from Thai authority to interview the persons to very their nationality.”The Thai Foreign Affairs Ministry has assured Bangladesh Embassy of all cooperation in this regard,” the Foreign Ministry sources said. The survivors are being treated at a local hospital and their condition is stable, the sources said. As per information, one of the rescued persons is of 25 years old, while the other is nearly 30. They had starved for two days and found in very vulnerable health condition.Acting on a tip-off from the villagers, Thai police carried out a raid on that area and found the mass grave and the two survivors.  Some Bangladeshi people and the Muslim Rohingyas of Myanmar reportedly take shelter in the deep forests on the southern part of Thailand on their way to Malaysia either by road or sea.
