Terrorists attack journo’s house in Kahaloo


Dupchanchia (Bogura) Correspondent :
Terrorists attacked a journalist’s house in Kahalu Upazila of Bogura recently and they are undergoing treatment at Dupachanchia Health Center .
The injured are journalist Nurul Islam Sheikh, son of Abbas Ali Sheikh of Jinnapara in Birkadar, his wife Shahnaz Begum, daughter Rukhchana and son Atikur.
It is learnt that on February 13, a group of terrorists were forcibly abducting the Paksha on the land occupied by Shahnaz Begum, wife of Nurul Islam Sheikh. When the building was obstructed during the construction of the house, the criminals were abusive and expressed intimidation and intimidation. That’s why Nurul Police Station GD.
Upon receiving the news of the GD, the defendants climbed again on March 13 and stabbed the stick in their hand, wounding them with a pistol. Nurul, including his wife, daughter and son fell to the ground when the locals admitted to the Dupachanchia Health Center. The incident caused serious tension in the area.
