British Minister says: Terror attack won’t hamper investment in Bangladesh

UNB, Dhaka :
Visiting British Minister of State for International Development Rory Stewart on Monday said the UK investment programme in Bangladesh will not be affected due to the recent Gulshan terror attack.
“The UK investment programme in confident and the same. We won’t be affected by this terror attack. We believe in the people of Bangladesh that has a fantastic future. The economy is growing strongly, fantastic improvement in health and education. This is one of the real success stories in Asia in development terms. And we’ll really like to continue the support to Bangladesh. So, we would not change the programme now,” he said.
Stewart made the remark replying to a question from reporters while visiting National Government Primary School in the city’s Mirpur area to see the English language teaching and learning activities of ‘English in Action (EIA)’ Programme funded by UK Aid.
“We’ll work continue to support Bangladesh in a very strong way in many different ways. We’re supporting in health, in education (sectors),” Rory Stewart said. About the EIA activities in the school, he said this is really very excellent school as he heard about very good interaction between teachers and
students, and good quality English in the school.
He said, sometimes only teachers speak in the school while children do not do anything. But children are also encouraged to speak here. “I think this is a very good school. We are very proud of British government to support the education in Bangladesh,” he said.
Earlier in the morning, the British Minister of State visited a readymade garment (RMG) factory-Mark Vision 2000 Limited-at Rupnagar in Mirpur to see the policies and standard for the factory workers’ health and safety. British High Commissioner in Dhaka Alison Blake and Country Representative of Department for International Development (DFID) Jane Edmondson were present.