Tension rise as Palestinian’s body found in Jerusalem

Israeli soldiers detain a blindfolded Palestinian in the West Bank City of Hebron on Wednesday.
Israeli soldiers detain a blindfolded Palestinian in the West Bank City of Hebron on Wednesday.

BBC Online :
Israeli police have found the body of a Palestinian teenager who was kidnapped overnight in East Jerusalem.
Mohammed Abu Khdair, 16, was seen being forced into a car early on Wednesday. Within hours, his partly-burned corpse was discovered in a forest.
Israeli police were unable to confirm the motive, but Palestinian sources said it appeared to be a revenge attack for the murder of three Israeli teens.
Later, Palestinians clashed with Israeli police near the boy’s home.
The protesters threw stones at the officers, who reportedly responded by firing sound bombs, tear gas and rubber bullets.
The mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, called for restraint.
“This is a horrible and barbaric act which I strongly condemn,” he said in a statement. “This is not our way and I am fully confident that our security forces will bring the perpetrators to justice.”
Initial reports said the boy was abducted near his father’s shop in the Arab district of Shufat in East Jerusalem. Witnesses said he was bundled into a white car.
A few hours later, his body, partly burned and bearing marks of violence, was found abandoned in a forest near Givat Shaul, in the western outskirts of the city.
Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said officers were looking into possible criminal or nationalistic motives for the killing.
Roads are closed off all around the Shufat neighbourhood of East Jerusalem as crowds of young Palestinians vent their anger. Some have begun destroying the shelters for the Israeli tram system.
Small groups are using catapults to launch stones at heavily armed Israeli police officers. They are responding with rounds of rubber bullets. An ambulance has whizzed past with sirens blaring suggesting there have been injuries.
Locals say the dead Palestinian boy was 16-year-old, Mohammed Abu Khdair, although Israeli police have not confirmed that. His funeral is expected to take place later on Wednesday; that will be another cause for tension.
While there has been no confirmation that this was a revenge attack for the three murdered Israelis whose bodies were found in the West Bank earlier this week, there is no doubt among Palestinians here about what has happened.
