Telenor Youth Forum opens for entries in BD

Economic Reporter :
Telenor Youth Forum, Telenor’s global empowerment initiative that aims to connect young opinion leaders around digital transformation of society, is now open for entries in Bangladesh, according to a press release.
The initiation of the competition was announced at a press conference on Saturday held at a city hotel. Syed Tanvir Husain, Director, Center of Expertise, People & Organization, and Sayed Talat Kamal, Head of External Communications, Grameenphone Ltd., were present on the occasion.
The Telenor Youth Forum will take place in Oslo, Norway, in December 2016. Gathering young opinion leaders from 13 countries, the event aims to provide a global platform to engage youth and empower a generation of digital natives. This year’s topic is “Digitalization for Peace”.
Under the local selection process, entries are expected from students, young academics and innovators. Candidates are expected to present interesting insights into how digital communication foster understanding among people over the bounderies, prosperity and ultimately, peace. Applications for entries will be taken until August 6, 2016.
Two candidates will be selected from each of the 13 countries, including Bangladesh, where Telenor Group is present. Ideal candidates for the Oslo event are young opinion shapers, up to the age of 28 years, with fresh perspectives and strong voices.
Entries will be short listed through a defined selection process culminating with three finalists being selected by the local team of judges at a final gala event in September 2016. Selection of the final two candidates, traveling to Oslo in December, will be made by an international selection panel consisting of representatives from civil society, academia and Telenor top management.
Last year Abreeshme Haque of Institute of Business Administration (IBA) and Sabab Rahman also of IBA won the local contest of Telenor Youth Forum and represented Bangladesh in this Telenor initiative in Oslo. The Forum is an ongoing conversation that is both physical and digital, and not confined to the Oslo event alone, and, since this year, is followed up with a TFY Asia Summit in one of the Telenor Asia BUs.