Tele-movie Manush on Duronto TV


Entertainment Report :
Raizul Islam’s family consists of him and his only son. He works at a bank and his son stays at home. The motherless child has been isolated even more when they moved to a new place.
The boy gets acquainted to the other boys in the neighborhood after a couple of months. When the boy goes to school to get admitted, everyone finds out that he does not have a name and the principal calls him Namamanush. His name officially becomes Namamanush at school from then on. The tele-movie Manush is based on the famous cartoonist, Ahsan Habib’s Namamanush.
Composed and directed by Naznin Hasan Chumki and characters in the tele-movie is played by Poushal Chowdhury, Bishshoy Sharkar Mugdho, Shudipto Shoron Shikdar, Farabi Shafat Khan (Shoishob), Shamin Sharar, Zahin Rahman, Aboni, Tarik Anam Khan, Intekhab Dinar, Ashok Bepari, Zulfikar Chonchol, Ezaz Bari, Sheikh Mahbubur Rahman, Mamun Chowdhury Ripon, Raisul Islam Asad, Sayraz Mehedi Rinku and Naznin Hasan Chumki.
