Teenager gang-raped in N’ganj

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UNB, Narayanganj :

A 19-year-old girl was gang-raped in Ekrampur area of Narayanganj on Monday evening (March 7).

The victim filed a case against six people with Bondar police station under the Women and Children Repression Act on Friday night.

According to the statement, the victim from Katiyarchar area of Kishoreganj Sadar came to visit her aunt’s house in Ekrampur area on Feb 15.

On March 6, she went to the pharmacy for some medicine, where she overheard a woman talking to another person about going abroad.


Having an ambition to go abroad, the girl engaged with the woman at the pharmacy and got the mobile number of one Alauddin, who apparently sends people abroad, from her.

Later, she called Alauddin and talked about wanting to go abroad.

On March 7, Alauddin called the girl at around 6pm and asked her to meet him at Farajikanda railway area. When they met, Alauddin and 5 of his friends took her to an empty field next to the Marine Training Center in Hajipur, where they all proceeded to rape her.

Confirming the matter, officer-in-charge of Bondar Police Station, Deepak Chandra Saha said that a case has been filed in this regard.

The victim has been sent to hospital for medical examination, and efforts are underway to arrest the accused, the OC said.
