Teenaged girl allegedly raped in Mirpur

UNB, Dhaka :
A teenaged girl was allegedly raped at a hotel in the city’s Mirpur area on Friday.
Sources at the Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) said the girl, aged around 16, was rescued by one Nazma and her husband Sajjad Hossain Jiban, a security guard, from in front of the Prince Bakery in Mirpur-1 at around 8:20 pm on Friday night.
“As the girl was very sick bleeding from her lower parts, we took her to a local clinic and then Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital, and finally shifted her to DMCH,” Nazma said.
Replying to a question, Nazma said the girl told her that she was going to Gazipur from Tangail to meet her brother-in-law on Friday morning. One Shakil took her to Mirpur promising that he would help her to go to Gazipur, she said.