Teen gangs creating panic in city

Syed shemul Parvez :
Teenage gangs are creating panic in the city of Dhaka exercising muscle power with aggressive attitude.
Police and locals sources said that nowadays the teenagers are getting involved with different kinds of crimes like killing, rape, abduction and extortion.
The Shavo and Mohsin Murders have become a very hot issue.
After such killing police have taken hard line to restore discipline by applying laws as deemed fit.
On July 7, a group of teenagers killed another teenager named Shuvo Ahmed, a student of Future Map International School, Tongi.
Most recently on September 4, Atonka Group attacked members of Film Jhir Jhir at Chandmiya Housing Area killing Mohsin, a tenth-grader of Child Heaven International School and injuring three others.
Recently a team of Hatirjheel police conducted a drive at key points of the city, including Banglamotor, Modhubag and Moghbazar level crossing.
Police picked up more than one hundred suspected members of different teenage gangs from Dhaka’s Hatirjheel area on the charge of harassing people by making obscene remarks and gestures at them.
According to RAB, about 364such gang members have so far been arrested in three years. Of them, 174 were arrested in the current year and 190 in the last two years.
At this, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Mohammad Javed Patwary said that teen gang groups should not be indulged any more. All district Police Supers have to work to control such teen gang activities.
In the meantime, Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Asaduzzaman Mia has promised to deal with teen gangs lawfully in a bid to curb crimes in the Dhaka city.
“Whether it’s a teen gang or something else, the word ‘gang’ won’t exist in Dhaka. They’ll all be wiped out,” said the outgoing DMP chief.
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal urged the parents to bring their children back home before evening to prevent the recent trend of teenage gangs.
‘The teenagers involved in gangs will be punished under the Children Act 2013,’ he asserted.
Dhaka University Psychology Professor Md Kamal Uddin said, a gang is created when a set of perverse psychological factors became active among the teenagers and youths, especially unemployed ones and those having nothing to do, by getting financial or other ‘benefits’ from external sources or from their own family and they thought that the group’s strength was their own strength.
Earlier, the law enforcers detained many such gang members several times, but the teenagers return to crime after getting bail.
It is noted that most of the members of teen gangs in Dhanmondi area are, even students of different English medium schools and they are from affluent families.