Technology dependent students are driving force of nation: Nowfel


Chattogram Bureau :

Deputy Minister for Education Barrister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel said the technology dependent and practical knowledge enriched students are the driving forces of future of the country. He said this while addressing the farewell reception to the outgoing
students of SSC and Dakil examination of 2022 session of the East Gatiadenga Alhaj Shafia Mamtajul Hoque School and College and the Habibul Ulum Madrasa held at Prince of Chattogram Community Centre in Chattogram recently as the chief guest. Chairman of the Alhaj Shafia Mamtajul Hoque Foundation Alhaj Abul Bashar Abu presided over the function.
Nowfel in the function mentioned that the students either males or females may be turned into a skilled manpower after receiving technical education.
