Technocrat ministers ‘still in office’ despite resignation

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The four technocrat ministers, who have resigned as part of a process to reconstitute the cabinet ahead of the parliamentary election, are still continuing their official work, following a directive from the prime minister.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina directed the four ministers to continue their office after Religious Affairs Minister Matior Rahman went to meet her on Wednesday, said an official in the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
“He went to meet the prime minister removing the flag in his car on Wednesday and informed her that he submitted his resignation letter following the Cabinet Division’s directive over phone on Tuesday.”
Hasina expressed her dissatisfaction and said the resignation letter was supposed to be submitted to her, the official said. “Continue to run your office,” the official cited the Prime Minister as saying.
“Four of us are still on,” wrote Telecom Minister Mustafa Jabbar in a Facebook post on Wednesday.
“Submitting the resignation letter doesn’t mean resigning from the post. The prime minister is yet to accept the letter, meaning the ministers should continue to work,” he said in a reply to this news agency. asked the technocrat minister if the prime minister issued any directive.
“The administration will look into the issue; they said we have to submit  
the resignations according to the PM’s directive. But she is yet to accept the resignation letters and we should continue our office naturally. Therefore, we’re following the regular system,” Jabbar said.
Two other technocrats-Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment Minister Nurul Islam and Science and Technology Minister Yeafesh Osman-submitted their resignation letters to the Cabinet Division on Tuesday, prior to the announcement of the schedule of the 11th national election.
The ICT Division on Wednesday invited reporters to an event to be attended Mustafa Jabbar, after he received the PM’s directive to continue his office.