Technical glitch in Customs server, business houses suffer


Chittagong Bureau :
Customs Internet server is becoming out of order frequently after interval of days as a result the business firms , importers are suffering a lot due to untimely implication of the customs activities.
 The businessmen are incurring huge losses for frequent breakdown of the server. Customs, Chittgong installed SICODA World server. The beneficiaries blaming the Chittgong customs authority that due negligence of operations , the problems is arising and despite repeated complaint the authority is not properly instally the server.
Joint commissioner of Chittagong customs Abdul Hakim admitted the fact of technical glitch of the server. President of Chittagong Customs C&F Agents association Akhter Hossain told that the fault in the SICODA server is continuing for the last few months as a result the agents and the importer are incurring huge loss to release their imported commodities.
