‘Technical curriculum to be formulated to face 4IR’


City Desk :
Deputy Minister for Education Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Nowfel said the curriculum for country’s technical and vocational education will be formulated in consultation with industrial stakeholders and considering the demand of local and international labor market.
“The demand of local and international labor market will be taken into consideration while formulating the curriculum for the country’s technical and vocational education”, said Mohibul Hasan.
The deputy minister made the remarks on Wednesday while talking to the Minister of Industry and Commerce of Iswatini, a northern African country, Mankoba Khumalo who came to meet the deputy minister at his office at the secretariat here, said a press release, reports BSS.
Mahibul said technical and vocational education trades are changing rapidly due to technological innovation and advancement as well as continuous evolution of industrial production systems.
For this reason, the traditional trades of the education system are being rearranged and will continue as per the necessity, he added.
About exchange of students between the two countries, the deputy minister said due to the low cost of education at higher education level in the country, a number of students from neighboring countries came to study in the medical colleges of Bangladesh.
To make technical education acceptable in the international arena, the national qualification framework has been formulated following the opinion of local and foreign stakeholders.
The Eswatinian visiting minister said along with exchange of students, the both countries can undertake joint projects to improve English language skills of workers to make them more suitable for international labor market.
