Teachings Of Ramzan Should Guide Us Throughout The Year!


Wares Ali Khan :
The holy month of Ramzan comes out as a unique opportunity to convey modification in the lives of the Muslims with a marrow urge to go back after Ramadan- furnished with Islamic lifestyle being enriched with the Holy Spirit. This month-long fasting is not just a customary practice to abstain from eating and drinking. Rather, fasting has implications and practical orientation for it affords us spiritual, moral, social, and economic benefits. Fasting has some inevitable impacts on human evil instincts and emotions as it acts for forming self-purification and self-cognizance.
Thirty days of Ramzan are designed for receiving training and conceiving holy teachings. It has a smashing call beyond its ritualistic feature. One of the prime aims set for fasting is to attain ‘Taqwa’ (fear of Allah) which successfully controls our every conduct and keeps us on the right track of Islam. In this aspect, Allah the Exalted has said, ‘Oh you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become righteous (Surah: Al-Baqarah: 183).’ Through fasting, our conscience remains triumphant over our evil instincts and unreasonable emotions. Therefore, the holy Ramzan is for preparation for the rest of the months on how to tame and control the unruly Nafs (soul), and lead our life following the prescribed teachings.
The sophisticated purpose of Saum (fasting) is to change the inner state of mind, enlighten us and make our instincts, character, and behavior socially deserving and morally acceptable by polishing it. In this context, the thirty-days fasting renders the core virtues of keeping us away from hatred, slander, lies, deception, desire for extra wealth, forgery, grafting, gambling, injustice, persecution, and so forth. Indeed fasting has helped us in self-control, moderation, frugality, and mutual care. So, during the holy month of Ramzan, through month-long training, so far we have achieved a robust mindset of becoming a true Muslim as well as a prosperous social being.
The genuine impulsion of the holy month of Ramzan lies under the achievement of plotted teachings on how we will remain adapted with the standard principles of Islam throughout the year. There is a common and pre-determined mental disposition in many of us to put the achievements of practicing religious rituals in the time of fasting aside as soon as this blissful month passes away. Hence, the practices and beliefs we have fostered in the month of Ramzan must become the catalyst for enlightening us, showing us the way, guiding rigorously, and preparing us to follow the ultimate commands of Allah the Cherisher.
This holy fasting-time is entitled to rebuild our attitude towards pragmatic execution of its teachings in the light of the precept of the religion. In that sense, our expectance, this month-long practice of patience and acquiring humane traits will surely help us to affirm the patterned social behaviors, to be assistive to sustain the true beauty and fundamental norms of Islam.
 Moreover, we have been taught to remit all kinds of injustice, oppression, indecency, wickedness, and evil deeds as well as learned to surrender to Allah the Almighty. We have earnestly tried to shape an ideal character, to be disciplined, and to believe in the supremacy and absoluteness of Allah the Merciful through this month-long sacrifice. The unrivaled perceptions achieved in Ramzan have developed the qualities of a true believer, turned us honest, and cleansed our minds. Therefore, we should strive to enrich ourselves as rectified, honest, and good citizens. In this regard, Allah the most Benevolent says, ‘He who is rectified is successful (Surah: Al-A’la: 14).’
The month of Ramzan has offered us to be virtuous and free from the bondage of evils. We have been fasting for the pleasure of Allah (SWT) by suppressing intense hunger, thirst, anger, greed, and lustfulness. We have already practiced tolerance, cooperation, and compassion unto the hard-up people, and developed mutual brotherhood and sympathy for each other. Our endurance during this time has purified our hearts and constructed a temperate attitude. We have also practiced standing by the side of the suffering individuals, to be generous and empathetic towards humankind. Indeed, with the sense of treating well, what we have gained by fasting will help us to stick around our fellow brothers and sisters in their need and to extend our helping hand.
 Let the teachings of Ramzan awaken our human consciousness by promoting desired human qualities. And anarchy, injustice, and corruption be eradicated, good relations among fellow humans are settled. Hope, the successful conclusion of the month of blessings will bring about the ground changes in our family and social life, generate love for humanity, establish social justice, and scale up communal peace and harmony.
(Mr. Khan is an academic).
