Teaching English in Bengali & English Medium Schools


Masum Billah :
We inherited English as second language as a historial cause. However, we could not have put it on a strong footing and could not have used it successfully for serving our real purpose and we hardly have any debate over this issue. We forget that nowadays English is not a language only, it is not an academic subject. It has in fact become an integral part of global cultural process and globalization is one of the most important phenomenons we will need to survive. In this connection, we cannot afford to ignore English in any way though some people raise arguments againt it citing the examples of China, Japan and Russia, where, they say, English is not taught. Still these nations are advancing. I want to draw their attention that we are not China, Japan and Russia who are almost independent in many aspects that we are not and it is not true that English is not taught in those countries. English is taught in those countries though it may not be exactly the same way we do.
Our public universiteis usually offer degrees in English literature. Of course, some universities have both language and literature streams and private univerisites mosty give language certificates. And language stream dominates in some privae universities. Our observation and experience says that graduates coming out of private universisites hardly take teaching as a profession in the primary or secondary level where English stands as a prime subject. Unfortunately our learners of these two levels have been deprived of meeting qualified teachers particulary to teach this langague effectively. Even though, some graduates of English department of private univeristies take teaching usually, they start doing it in English Medium Schools. All the private universities, however, cannot produce graduates with sound knowledge in English langague. More students who study in government university colleges under National University have more frustrating experience.
A different culture of practicing English has developed in the English Medium Schools. Cambridge, EdExel, IB curriculums are followed in English Medium Schools and curriculum and assessment system of global standard are practiced here. Every country follows its own curriculum that reflects its culture, history and practices. If we cannot keep pace with the global standard curriculum, we will be segregated and separated from the pace of globalization. If our curriculum does not promoise to be aligned with globalization process, we have ample reason to think over it and embark on this debate. We must consider the fact that how many graduates our small country can accoommodate in its job sectors. Many graduates go abroad for earning bread as our small countries cannot accommodate growing number of gradutes. They seek their fortune outside of the country that calls for a standard global language first for their survival and secondly for flourihsng their career.
In the Bengali medium schools practicing creativity has become a remote or no-practice matter. Only putting common questions in the examaintion and memorising those questions are the main concern. This does not promise at all to enhance the lingisutic ability and creativity of the learners. But we need to enhance the skills of the students in English even though they study in Bengali medium schools. Having common questions and following the common items from guide books and repeated questions don’t happen in English medium education. Here assessment is also creative and the students acquire ‘speaking skills’ as a by-product which is very important in terms of acquiring a foreign language. The opposite scene we see in Bengali medium schools as the pracite of creativy and anaylicatl skills don’t happen here. Assessment is the principal thought here evading the way of developing critical analytical skills of the students.
Our policy hardly sees a well defined position of English medium schools that contributes to develop a group of students equipped with creative education and communicative English to face the challenges of the century. English Medium School launched its journey in our country with the establishment of Green Hearld International School in 1912. Today the number of English Medium Schools has increased but its exact size is not available from any reliable sources that primarily tell our negligence towards this medium of education. One source says that we have 115 English Medium Schools, another one says it is 145 while the Board says 159 and it is learnt from English Medium School Association that it is more than four hundred. We think a particular cell need to be developed in the ministyr of education to look after the English Medium Schools. We don’t want excessive controlling over these schools as it may harm the free flow of schools but a soft and sound controlling can give this medium a good shape. Several lac English teachers are engaged in teaching English to the students of primary and secondary level and these two levels are the basic places to put students into a good footing of English. How they receive English teaching remains a big conceren as students miserably fail to show their competency in English either in written or speaking English. However, a good news lurks before us that the Minsitry of Primary and Mass Education has taken a laudable step to train the primary school English teachers under an MOU developed between the minstiry and British Coutnchil.Currently teachers have been receiving a TMTE ( Training of Master Trainers of English) training under global English experts that we appreciate.

(Masum Billah is President, English Teachers’ Association of Bangladesh (ETAB) and education expert in
BRAC Education).
