Teachers urged to render duties sincerely, honestly


Speakers at a workshop urged the teachers to render their duties with utmost sincerity and honesty for making their students enriched with proper knowledge.
Terming the teachers as the human-building technicians they observed that the teachers should be beyond all opinion and party affiliations to attain the cherished goal.
The observations came at a daylong workshop styled “Performance Based Management (PBM)” held at the auditorium of Rajshahi College in the city yesterday. District Education Office organized the workshop for the field level education officers and heads of educational institutions in order to expedite the PBM activities.
Principal of Rajshahi College Prof Habibur Rahman addressed the programme as chief guest while Deputy Director (Finance and Purchase) of Department of Secondary and Higher Education Dabiur Rahman and its Regional Deputy Director Dr Sharmin Ferdous Chowdhury spoke as special guests with Rafiqul Islam, District Education Officer, in the chair.
Prof Habibur Rahman said the teachers have a vital role to play for improving the country’s educational standard. The qualitative and quantitative improvement of the education is the precondition to enrich the nation’s skilled human resources for the sake of the national economic emancipation.
