High Court verdict ignored: Teachers, employees of 2 high schools not getting salary at Bhangura


Bhangura(Pabna)Csorrespondent :
Teachers and employees of two high school of Bhangura upazila in Pabna district are not getting salaries for 4 months . Following the situation, the teachers are now living a miserable life. These two schools are : Karatakandi Rustam Ali Multiple High School and Madarbariya High School in Khanmorich Union.
Head teacher of Karatkandi High school, Shamima Parvin was dischared illegally on 4/5/2013 by Md Asadur Rahman , chairman of Rustam Ali High school’s managing committee and the local Awami League leader.
Shamim Ara Parvin field a writ petition to the High Court Division
against the SMC Chairman Md Asadur Rahman on 13/04/2014 (PetitionNo.1943/2014).
The High court declared its verdict on 28/08/2015 that Asahadur Rahman is unfit for participation in all educational institutions of Bangladesh for the rest of his life due to abuse of power.
The court gave the order to Education Secretary, the chairman of Rajshahi Education Board and District Education officer,Pabna to rstore Shamim Ara Parvin to her post and to pay her all salaries with arrears within 60 days. Accordingly to this order Shamim Ara Parvin joined her office on 17/01/2016.
Sixty days had passed on 17/03/2016, but the authorities did not pay her salaries. Following the High Court verdict Asadur Rahman was removed from the school 6 months ago the post of the chairman is still vacant. For this reason all the teacher’s and employees of these two High schools with Shamim Ara Parvin are not getting their salaries. As a result, the high court has been ignored.
The Headmaster of Madarbaria High School Raqibul Islam said they are passing very hard time. Shamim Ara Parvin said ,the authority was not sincere in implementing verdict of High Court. Consequently she, and her family and colleagues have been were suffering for a long time.
Upazila Secondary Education Officer Md Shahjahan Ali, confirmed the news and said, he is looking forward to the guidance of the Pabna District Education Officer. According to wise lawers, defying the High Court judgment is regarded as contempt of court.
